
江南仁讨论 | 贡献2018年11月28日 (三) 23:53的版本 (创建页面,内容为“{{4}}《未来简史》节译:卡尔.马克思的失算 This isnot a hypothetical example. In the middle of the nineteenth century Karl Marx reached brilliantecon...”)
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This isnot a hypothetical example. In the middle of the nineteenth century Karl Marx reached brillianteconomic insights. Based on these insightshe predicted an increasingly violent conflictbetween the proletariat and the capitalists, ending with the inevitable victoryof the former and the collapse of the capitalist system.Marx wascertain that the revolution would start in countriesthat spearheaded the Industrial Revolution – such as Britain, France and the USA – and spread to the restof the world.


Marx forgotthat capitalists know how to read. At firstonly a handfulof disciples took Marx seriously and read his writings. But as these socialistfirebrands gained adherents and power, thecapitalists became alarmed. They too perusedDas Kapital,adopting many of the tools and insightsof Marxist analysis. In the twentieth century everybody from street urchinsto presidentsembraced a Marxist approach to economics and history. Even diehard capitalists who vehemently resisted the Marxist prognosis still made use of the Marxistdiagnosis. When the CIAanalysed the situation in Vietnam or Chile in the 1960s, it divided society into classes. When Nixon or Thatcher looked at the globe, they asked themselves who controls the vital means ofproduction. From 1989 to 1991 George Bush oversaw the demise of the Evil Empire of communism, only to be defeated in the 1992 elections by Bill Clinton. Clinton’s winning campaignstrategy was summarised in the motto: ‘It’s the economy, stupid.’Marx could not have said it better.


As people adopted the Marxistdiagnosis, they changed their behaviour accordingly. Capitalists in countriessuch as Britain and France strove to better the lot of the workers, strengthentheir national consciousness and integrate them into the political system. Consequently when workersbegan voting in electionsand Labour gained power in one country after another, thecapitalists could still sleep soundly in their beds. As a result, Marx’spredictions came to naught. Communist revolutions never engulfedthe leading industrial powers such as Britain,Franceand the USA, and the dictatorship of the proletariat was consigned to the dustbin of history.


This is the paradoxof historical knowledge. Knowledge that does not change behaviouris useless. But knowledgethat changes behaviour quickly loses its relevance. The more data wehave and the better we understand history, the faster history alters its course, and the faster our knowledge becomes outdated

