Mainframe Testing Engineer/Sr. Engineer/Team Lead

Salangane讨论 | 贡献2011年1月14日 (五) 01:39的版本 (以内容'Engineer: Test Preparation including test scenarios and testcase writing. <br> Review of test scenarios and test casess <br> Test Execution and defect management <br> Prod…'创建新页面)
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Test Preparation including test scenarios and testcase writing.
Review of test scenarios and test casess
Test Execution and defect management
Production of test metrics and signoff
Collect test metrics
Sr. Engineer:

Mainframe/Manual testing knowledge
Assist in detailed requirements analysis, strategy andestimation
Ensure tractability between requirements and testcases
Test Preparation including test scenarios and testcase writing.
Review of test scenarios and test casess
Test Execution and defect management
Production of test metrics and signoff
Collect test metrics
Report test status
Participate in knowledge management activities
Participate in defect prevention activities
Collect and analyse test metrics
Team Lead

Mainframe/Manual testing knowledge
Carry out detailed requirements analysis, strategy andestimation
Allocation of tasks assigned to the team, monitor andguide the team in task execution
Understand & implement Testing scope withindefined timelines and quality standards
Co-ordinate with test manager/ onsite coordinator forissues resolution
Conduct test design walkthroughs and reviews
Ensure that test environment and test data isavailable and set-up for test execution
Responsible for defect management and defectprevention
Responsible for people management
Responsible for status reporting and test metricsreporting
Ensure tractability between requirements and testcases
Responsible for adherence to relevant organisationalprocesses
Identify potential risks and suggest mitigation plan
Participate in knowledge management activities
